Fishing was good in more than one spot on Vancouver Island. The east side saw a resurgence of both Chinook and Coho. The limits there have been less than desirable thanks so some not so friendly regulations from DFO for which I haven’t figured what the logic is.
Being fit and healthy is an important component of an adventurous life. That means that even when you’re not on the trail, paddling your kayak, or enjoying one of the numerous activities you love, you’ve got to find a way to keep up your strength and maintain limber muscles. Fitness... Read More
DFO is putting Vancouver Island communities in an uproar for an experiment that has no scientific validation. As some of you may know, our Southern Resident Killer Whale population from J and K pods are in trouble and there are a few likely causes which aren’t being addressed such as... Read More
This East-Central fishing town marks the last stop before the long drive north to towns like Telegraph Cove, Port McNeill and Port Hardy. Campbell River’s history lies deep within the tales of mining, logging and fishing, and the city claims to be the “Salmon Capital of the World.” It is... Read More
Just two hours outside of the province’s capital, Victoria BC, Port Renfrew couldn’t be any more different. While Victoria is Vancouver Island’s largest city, Port Renfrew is one of the smallest with only around 140 people living there year-round. Where Victoria is a place of urban bustle, stimulation and connection,... Read More
For some, the drive to Tofino and Ucluelet is already an arduous journey, although it’s always worth the time, twists and turns. For the next couple years, however, it’s about to become even more of a trek. A section of Highway 4 is scheduled to be widened, repaired and upgraded,... Read More
Victoria is not only Vancouver Island’s largest city, it is also the capital of the Province of British Columbia itself, making it a natural hotspot to visit. Plus, it has milder weather than most other places on the Island, and numerous other claims to fame. For visitors to Vancouver Island,... Read More
Vancouver Island is a walk on the wild side of things, and there are a few priorities guests should have when paying a visit. Most importantly, visitors need to recognize that being in the wilderness and wild animals come hand-in-hand. Learning about what type of animals are in the area,... Read More
Whale watching and winter don’t seem like they would have anything in common, but on the west coast of Vancouver Island, the two go together like peas in a pod! In fact, from February to April an incredible number of whales are passing through the area. This is the time... Read More
Telegraph Cove started off as a small fishing village just 210km away from Campbell River, a hub on the eastern coast of the Island. In search of a lineman’s station to act as the Campbell River telegraph line’s terminus, the Superintendent of Telegraphs claimed the area for the job in... Read More
Port Hardy, named after Vice-admiral Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy, is quite literally the end of the road for Northern Vancouver Island. Although small, don’t let this 4,000-person town fool you with its size: it is the gateway to all things outdoors and adventurous on the Island. Plus, it’s the largest... Read More
Vancouver Island is notorious for its mild winters. With an average “coldest” temperature of around -3 degrees Celsius, it puts the Canadian stereotype of igloos and icicles into complete question. At the same time, Vancouver Island winters aren’t just balmy days of sunshine. The coastal shores can see powerful wind... Read More
When people first hear about Vancouver Island, they tend to picture a small, uninhabited area with beaches and not much else. In reality, Vancouver Island is a large, populated Island with incredible diversity, wildlife and things to see, explore and do. Here are some fast facts about the Island and its... Read More
Vancouver Island has a history as rich and wild as the land it possesses. From indigenous First Nations groups, living as one with the land and sea, to Spanish and British explorers, treaties, gold rushes, hunting and trading, there’s more to this 32,134km2 rock on the West Coast of North... Read More
Bears are an iconic Canadian creature and Vancouver Island has more than its fair share of these beautiful beasts that play within plain sight! Because of this, it’s no surprise that bear watching tours are one of the top things to do on Vancouver Island. Whether you’re up near Port... Read More
Prepare for the expedition of a lifetime with Discover Vancouver Island Tours’ soon-to-be launched tour package: Ucluelet’s Ultimate Whale Watching Adventure. Whale watching is one of the top things to do on the west coast of Vancouver Island, especially within the waters of Barkley Sound. Basing this package within the... Read More
“There is something different about leaving society and stepping foot onto a trail; A trail where you know you can’t turn back and you’re only focused on what is ahead. Nothing else matters except your senses… the sound of the waves, the feeling of sand falling between your toes, and... Read More
When I grew up in Victoria, downtown was packed with used bookstores, antique stores and hacky-sack college kids in Market Square. About five years after I left, the downtown core lost much of its charm. Almost all the used bookstores and antique stores disappeared and Market Square was dead space.... Read More
With British Columbia’s capital, Victoria, laying claim to the second largest number of restaurants per capita in North America, there’s destined to some fantastic food in the city. However, Victoria isn’t the only place to find good eats – the rich land and temperate climate of Vancouver Island mean you... Read More
My phone beckoned to me with a quick vibration and I looked down to read the incoming text. A random, yet enticing opportunity was busy presenting itself on my screen. The summer had seen a massive salmon run and my town happened to contain a spawning river. As a professional... Read More
When you already live in a top destination, it can be hard to justify leaving for your holidays. At the same time, it can be difficult to be motivated to do all those tourist things you secretly enjoy about being somewhere new. That’s where the staycation comes in. Not only... Read More
Living in one of the most beautiful places on Earth has its consequences. Your friends and family always want to come visit! Being a host can be exciting, but also very stressful. You want to show them the best of the best that this little paradise has to offer. Here... Read More
Summertime is the best time to completely disregard TLC’s lyrics “don’t go chasing waterfalls.” Vancouver Island, whether you’re exploring North, Central, South or the rugged West Coast, is riddled with stunning cascades to track down. Some are easy to reach, while others become a full day’s (or weekend’s) adventure. No... Read More
It’s easy to make travel plans yourself online thanks to the numerous tourism-based websites. Those wanting to “do-it-yourself” can spend hours/days talking and planning through their travel schedule and still miss some of the better things to do. We believe booking a tour package with us is the best option... Read More
The Comox Valley’s All Season, Outdoor Playground Some say Vancouver Island has it all, and most locals would agree. The Comox Valley especially is a treasure trove of pretty much any kind of natural feature available: Beaches, rivers, waterfalls, forests and, king of them all, Mt. Washington. After having been... Read More
A new year brings with it 365 days of new opportunities, new goals to achieve and a new round of vacation days. Why not include Vancouver Island on your list of destinations to visit in 2017? Need some convincing? Here are 10 reasons why you should come discover Vancouver Island... Read More
Blankets and pillows of white snow greeted me as I swished open my curtains with both hands. I blinked, stunned. This was new. It took a few seconds of staring at the couple inches of tiny, stacked snowflakes that adorned my balcony railing before the smile spread across my face.... Read More
I have visited Canada many times but my most memorable day was 17 September 2011 while visiting Vancouver Island. We were on a Naturetrek Wildlife Holiday, staying in the picturesque town of Zeballos. This former gold rush town is accessed via 42 km of logging tracks on a beautiful mountainous... Read More
The Wild Pacific Trail is in Ucluelet BC just south of Tofino BC and is the prettiest short hike on the coast in my opinion. There are two sections to the Wild Pacific Trail. The first section is the most visited and one of the prettiest outings you can take... Read More
Tofino is a must on your bucket list. It is raw, wild, untouched wilderness on the edge with campgrounds to beautiful resorts to host you. The Pacific Rim national park is between Tofino and Ucluelet (30 mins south of Tofino) and here you can hike, relax on the beach, surf,... Read More
Coastal Trekking on Vancouver Island I love hiking, I love backpacking, and I love to spend time in nature. I have had amazing experiences both in the mountains and by the ocean. When asked to write an article about my treks on Vancouver Island, I jumped at the chance to... Read More
Most California sea lions spend the summer off California and Mexico mating. By September the adult and sub-adult sea lions are in or on the way to their winter home and they come as far north as Vancouver Island. Prior to the 1960s there were just a few coming here.... Read More
This article can be see here from the Atlantic. One more reason to create great experiences on Vancouver Island that can be repeated with your family! Forty-seven percent of the time, the average mind is wandering. It wanders about a third of the time while a person is reading, talking... Read More